Previously Funded Projects
2015 Graduate Student Grantees
Dieterich, Molly. Ohio State University. $10,000. “Identification of Arthropod Predators of Cucumber Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Cucurbit Agroecosystems.” Mary Gardiner and Celeste Welty, Faculty Advisors.
Moore, Virginia. University of Wisconsin. $9,093. “Collecting On Farm Environmental Data: Towards Resilient, Organic Vegetable Varieties.” Erin Silva, Faculty Advisor.
Prince, Kathryn. University of Wisconsin. $10,000. “Wild Bee Abundance and Diversity on Organic Vegetable Farms in Response to Landscape Factors.” Russell Groves, Faculty Advisor.
Ruh, Kathryn. University of Minnesota. $9,904. “Dual Flow Continuous Culture Fermentation of Organic BMR Sorghum Sudangrass and Teff Grass to Determine Digestibility of Forages in an Organic Dairy Grazing System.” Bradley Heins, Faculty Advisor.
Turner, Sarah. University of Wisconsin. $5,521. “Evaluation of Carrot (Daucus Carota, L.) for Traits Related to Early Seedling Establishment and Canopy Growth in Organic Systems” Erin Silva, Faculty Advisor.
2014 Graduate Student Grantees
Acharya, Ishwary, South Dakota State University, $10,000. “High Quality Forage Blends.” David Casper, Faculty Advisor.
Cash, Kimberly, Lincoln University, $10,000. “Organic Anthelminthics in Sheep.” James Caldwell, Faculty Advisor.
Healy, Grace, University of Wisconsin-Madison, $10,000. “Participatory Variety Trials for Flavor, Quality and Agronomic Performance to Increase Direct-Market Opportunities and On-Farm Trialing Capacity for Organic Growers.” Dr. Julie Dawson, Faculty Advisor.
Ginakes, Peyton, University of Minnesota, $9,914.00. “Strip tillage for soil health.” Julie Grossman, Faculty Advisor.
Jokela, Dana, Iowa State University, $9,892. “Overcoming Barriers to Consistent Yields in Reduced Tillage Organic Vegetable Production.” Ajay Nair, Faculty Advisor.
Lowenstein, David, University of Illinois, $9,980. “Evaluating Biological Control of Brassica Pests in Urban Land Repurposed for Farming.” Emily Minor, Faculty Advisor.
Luby, Claire, University of Wisconsin-Madison, $9,981. “Open Source Carrots.” Irwin Goldman, Faculty Advisor.
2013 Graduate Student Grantees
Blubaugh, Carment, Purdue University, $9,950. “Harnessing farm wildlife for weed management: Measuring suppression by rodents and insects.” Ian Kaplan, Faculty Advisor.
Buehrer, Krista, Michigan State University, $9,886. “Spatiotemporal pattern of hog foraging in apple orchards when grazed for orchard floor management.” Matthew Grieshop, Faculty Advisor.
Gurda, Anders, University of Wisconsin, $9,978. “Use of Mob Grazing and other control options for controlling Canada thistle and alleviating losses in forage quality, quantity and utilization.” Mark Renz, Faculty Advisor.
Hu, Bizhen, The Ohio State University, $9,988. “Guidance in selecting optimal combinations of rootstock and scion varieties for organic grafted tomato production.” Matthew Kleinhenz, Faculty Advisor.
Peters, Tessa, University of Wisconsin, $9,996. “Participatory Development of an Open Pollinated Early Maturing Sweet Corn for Organic Production.” William Tracy, Faculty Advisor.
Pheiffer, Anne, University of Wisconsin, $10,000. “Improving Soil Health Through No-Till Vegetable Production.” Erin Silva, Faculty Advisor.
Riddle, Joseph, Michigan State University, $10,000. “Transforming waste: rearing black soldier flies as a source of compost and entomopathogenic nematodes.” Matthew Grieshop, Faculty Advisor.
Selin Selen, Ebru, University of Wisconsin, $10,000. “Investigation of GMO vs. Organic Diet Effects on Metabolome Profiles in Dairy Cows by NMR Spectroscopy.” Warren Porter, Faculty Advisor.
Sjostrom, Lucas, University of Minnesota, $9,896. “Evaluation of different winter housing systems for effects on organic dairy cattle production, health, and well-being.” Bradley Heins, Faculty Advisor.
2012 Graduate Student Grantees
Blubaugh, Carmen, Purdue University, $9,938. “Can ground beetles limit weeds in organic vegetable systems?” Ian Kaplan, Faculty Advisor.
Baughman, William, Michigan State University, $9,761. “Control of plum curculio and codling moth using strip cultivation in organic apples.” Matthew J. Grieshop, Faculty Advisor.
Yoder, Aaron, Michigan State University, $10,000. “Exploring the combination of biofumigation and anaerobic soil disinfestation for soil quality enhancement in organic vegetable cropping systems.” Mathieu Ngouajio, Faculty Advisor.
Zhang, Chen, University of Wisconsin-Madison, $10,000. “Identifying Potato Varieties with Increased Levels of Mature Plant Resistance to Potato Virus Y for Improved Organic Seed Potato Production.” Russell Groves, Faculty Adviser.
2011 Graduate Student Grantees
Bjorklund, Elizabeth A., University of Minnesota, $10,000. “Effect of whole milk feeding duration with group fed calves on growth, health, and behavior of organic dairy calves.” Bradley J. Heins, Faculty Adviser.
Buehrer, Krista A., Michigan State University, $9,994. “Potential of organic hogs as a tool for post-harvest orchard floor sanitation and pest management.” Matthew J. Grieshop, Faculty Adviser.
Heidel, Thelma, University of Minnesota, $4,299. “Efficacy of a buckwheat intercrop in organic soybeans for management of the soybean aphid.” George Heimpel, Faculty Adviser.
Lowry, Carolyn J., Michigan State University, $10,000. “Combining alternating cover strips, living mulches and strip tillage for effective weed and nutrient management in organic sweet corn production.” Daniel C. Brainard, Faculty Adviser.
Masterson, Sarah A., Kansas State University, $10,000. “Implementation of novel grafting methods and rootstocks for organic tomato growers in the Midwest.” Cary L. Rivard, Faculty Adviser.
Mattupalli, Chadradha, University of Wisconsin-Madison, $10,000. “Identifying Heirloom and Specialty Varieties Resistant to Silver Scarf Disease for Organic Potato Production.” Amy O. Charkowski, Faculty Adviser.
Petran, Andrew J., University of Minnesota, $9,940. “Quantifying Outgassing from Plastics Used in High or Low Tunnel Systems.” Albert Markhart, Faculty Adviser.
Pote, John, Michigan State University, $9,983. “Evaluation of Apple Flea Weevil Dispersal and the Potential of Kaolin-Based Management in Organic Apples. Matthew J. Grieshop, Faculty Adviser.
Tinsley, Sienna, Michigan State University, $9,992. “Potential for Use of Perennial Grasses as Organic Dual-Purpose Forage-Grain Crops in Michigan.” Sieglinde Snapp, Faculty Adviser.
Walton, Nathaniel J., Michigan State University, $9,991. “The Impact of entomopathogenic nematode applications on mortality of codling moth larvae on the orchard floor.” Matthew J. Grieshop, Faculty Adviser.
2010 Graduate Student Grantees
Beniston, Joshua, Ohio State University, $9,871. “Developing Organic Management to Restore Soil Quality for Food Production in Degraded Urban Soils.” Rattan Lai, Faculty Adviser.
Buehrer,Krista, Michigan State University, $9,789. “Potential of Organic Hogs as a Tool for Post-Harvest Orchard Floor Sanitation and Pest Management.” Matthew J. Grieshop, Faculty Adviser.
Gomez, Lorena, Kansas State University. $10,000. “Soil Microbes in Organic Production: Capturing the Active Players.” Karen Garrett, Faculty Adviser.
Hayden, Zachary D., Michigan State University, $9,969. “A Novel Approach for Optimizing the Benefits of Cereal-Legume Cover Crop Mixtures in Vegetable Cropping Systems Under Organic Management.” Mathieu Ngouajio, Faculty Advisor.
Heidel, Thelma, University of Minnesota, $4,095. “Efficacy of Intercropping in Organic Soybeans for Management of the Soybean Aphid.” David Ragsdale, Faculty Adviser.
Lyon, Alexandra, University of Wisconsin-Madison, $9,584. “Determination of Perceptions and Use of Organic Seed and Varieties by Midwestern Organic Vegetable Growers.” Erin Silva, Faculty Adviser.
Pochubay, Emily, Michigan State University, $9,941. “Improvement of Anthropod Biological Control Systems for Organic Greenhouse Production.” Matthew J. Grieshop, Faculty Adviser.
Schmidt, Marie, University of Wisconsin-Madison, $9,988. “Benefits of Increasing Grazing Height on Weed Suppression in Management Intensive Rotational Grazing Systems in Wisconsin.” Mark Renz, Faculty Adviser.
Starcevich, Jessica, University of Minnesota, $4,037. “Biological and Cultural Fly Control Options for Organic Dairies.” Roger Moon, Faculty Adviser.
Walton, Nathaniel J., Michigan State University, $9,803. “Soil Invertebrate Biodiversity Under Contrasting Orchard Management Regimes in Michigan.” Matthew J. Grieshop, Faculty Adviser.