2012 Organic Research Initiative Grantees
Iowa State University
“Improving Organic No-Till Systems for Enhanced Soil Quality and Weed Management in Organic Vegetable and Grain/Forage Systems.” Kathleen Delate, Principal Investigator. Three years. $176,595.
Kansas State University
“New Rootstock Systems for Disease Management and Increased Productivity in Organic Tomato: Understanding Effects on the Rhizobiome.” Karen Garrett, Principal Investigator. Three years. $179,960.
Purdue University
“Collaborative Research to Identify Fertility Amendments that Improve Soil Quality and Mediate Pathogen Outbreaks on Organic Vegetable Farms.” Lori Hoagland, Principal Investigator. Three years. $179,222.
University of Minnesota
“SWROC High Tunnel: Improving Soil Health and Increasing Rotation Options for Organic Vegetable Production.” Paulo Pagliari, Principal Investigator. Three years. $164,315.
Lincoln University
“Optimizing Trap Cropping Systems for Key Insect Pests and Enhancing Beneficial Anthropods in Cucurbit Crops. Jaime Pinero, Principal Investigator. Three years. $179,484.
University of Missouri
“Evaluation of Soil Quality in Vegetables Planted in Plastic Mulch vs. No-Till in Polyculture Cover Crop.” Tim Reinbott, Principal Investigator. Three years. $179,940.
University of Wisconsin
“Quantifying Relationships Between Soil Quality, Soil Fertility, and Pasture Management and the Productivity of Organic Dairy Pastures and Milk Production.” Mark Renz, Principal Investigator. Three years. $109,120.
University of Wisconsin
“Optimizing No-Till Organic Production to Improve Soil Health and Management of Late-Season Weeds.” Erin Silva, Principal Investigator. Three years. $173,084.
Michigan State University
“Fostering Complex Soil Food Webs and Building Soil Fertility with Organic Production: Perennial Wheat Phase Two.” Sieglinde Snapp, Principal Investigator. Three years. $179,658.