Posts by Nick
Exploring the combination of biofumigation and anaerobic soil disinfestation for soil quality enhancement in organic vegetable cropping systems
Graduate Student: Aaron Yoder Major Professor: Mathieu Ngouajio, PhD · Michigan State University – Department of Horticulture View/Download Full Report in PDF Format Project Rationale: Organic farmers are often restricted in their abilities to respond to disease pressures that persist through commonly utilized rotational and other non-chemical, preventative measures. Biofumigation (BF) and anaerobic soil disinfestation…
Read MoreAlleviating Soil Compaction and Improving Weed Suppression With Multifunctional Cover Crops in Organic Grain Production Systems
Final Research Report · Ceres 2011-2014 Villamil – Masiunas – Anderson View/Download Full Report in PDF Format Project participants In addition to the PI and Co-PI, the research team is formed by our participant organic farmers: Jack Erisman, Adam Butler, and Allen Williams; Gevan Benhke, the Agro-ecology lab technician, who has been instrumental in coordinating and…
Read MoreUtilizing phylloplanins for the control of fungal and oomycete pathogens in organic potato farming
Final Report Principal Investigator: Amy Charkowski, Dept. Plant Pathology, Univ. Wisconsin-Madison Summary Our long term goal is to provide organic potato farmers with either information on which potato varieties resist these common tuber diseases or to provide farmers with a way to reduce losses from these diseases. Surface defects and foliar fungal pathogens are the main…
Read MoreDon’t Know, We’ll See
Don’t Know, We’ll See, written and directed by Lucy Massie Phenix, shares the story of beloved ceramicist, Karen Karnes, as a way to explore the creative process that we are all engaged in during our lives.
Read MoreLiving Downstream
Living Downstream, directed and produced by Chanda Chevannes, follows ecologist and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber, Ph.D over one pivotal year as she travels across North America, educating audiences about the links between cancer and ones’ environment.
Read MoreOn Coal River
On Coal River, directed by Francine Cavanaugh and Adam Wood, follows four West Virginians who challenge the domination of the largest local employer, the Massey Energy Company, who controls the coal mining operations in the Coal River Valley.
Read MoreTaking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai
Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai, directed and produced by Alan Dater and Lisa Merton, is an in-depth and complete film about Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai. Made during the last decade of her life, the film portrays how her act of planting trees and her commitment to education and empowerment of women, grew into a nationwide movement for environmental and human rights.
Read MoreThe Vanishing of the Bees
The Vanishing of the Bees, directed and produced by George Langworthy and Maryam Henein, centers around the relationship that Americans have with bees – as pollinators, producers of honey, and as indicator species that through their massive die-offs are signaling a strain on the natural world caused by industrial agricultural practices and chemical exposure.
Read MoreBonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus
Bonsai People: The Vision of Muhammad Yunus follows Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, the Bangladeshi economist whose bank pioneered micro-loans.
Read MoreEffect of organic grain supplementation on economic, behavior, and pest management strategies of organic dairy cows.
This is a final project report submitted to The Ceres Trust. Investigator: Bradley Heins, Ph.D. University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center 46352 State Hwy 329 Morris, MN 56267 32-589-1711 [email protected] Collaborators: Marcia Endres, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Animal Science, St. Paul, MN Roger Moon, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Entomology, St. Paul, MN…
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